Birthday Table
- What
- Birthday Table
- When
- 5/3/2022, 11:20 AM – 1:00 PM
- Where
- Ballinger Elementary Cafeteria
Birthday Table 2021-2022
Ballinger Elementary wants to celebrate our students’ birthdays. BES would love for you to share this special day with your child as well. Each month BES will have “Birthday Tables” in the elementary cafeteria. If it is the student’s birthday month (see calendar below), the student will sit on the stage at the birthday table on that specific date. Parents/guardians may come sit at the birthday table with the student. Parents/guardians may bring food from outside for you both to enjoy, or you may purchase a meal from the cafeteria. Cost for adult lunch is $4.00/additional child, free. If you are going to eat the food prepared by the cafeteria, please let your child’s homeroom teacher know by the Monday prior to birthday table. Thank you!
**Policy subject to change if COVID guidelines restrict visitors. **
Grade Level Lunch Time
PK Contact Teacher
K 11:20-11:45
1st 11:40-12:10
2nd 11:05-11:35
3rd 11:55-12:25
4th 12:15-12:45
5th 12:30-1:00